
Reforestation and Food
Dzikwa Trust started its food security activities in 2013 in a small vegetable garden. It has significantly expanded the production with the help of grants from Australia in 2018 – 2020. Dzikwa Trust now practices horticulture both in large open-area vegetable gardens and in two greenhouses, each measuring 200 m². Solar power, water tanks and extensive drip irrigation funded with Australian Embassy Direct Aid are critical for successful operations. Almost all green leafy vegetables and many other vegetables used in Dzikwa Kitchen daily are produced by the Reforestation & Food Security team. Varieties produced include spinach, rape, covo, sugarloaf, cabbage and Chinese cabbage, red and green peppers, beetroot, onions. Monthly deliveries to the Dzikwa Kitchen are 80 kgs and the rest of the tomatoes are sold to the Community at cost.
Reforestration and Food